Tag Archives: mental health

I’m not anti-New-Year’s-resolution, I’m just worth more.

2016 will finally be the year I give up on those over the top, unachievable goals that I’ve been conditioned to set for myself since I was a child. I’m not saying goodbye completely, just to those that I know I won’t keep or achieve, because why should I set positive goals for myself if […]

Mental Health Awareness Week.

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and it is, in my opinion, one of the most important awareness weeks that we have; with around 1 in 4 people suffering from a mental health problem it’s important that we talk, share, offer support and raise awareness, not just of mental health problems, but of the […]

Skydive update: 4 months on, 2 months to go.

It’s 2 months 25 days exactly until my tandem skydive for Mind. I’ve counted multiple times. I’m obsessed with knowing how long I have to go. I wrote a blog post back in December (I’m Jumping for Mind) just after I’d signed up to do it. Not a lot has changed in 4 months: I’m […]


It’s no secret to those who know me that I’m in no way shape or form a die-hard Directioner, and neither do I particularly enjoy listening to their music casually – just like some of the 1D fans would not enjoy listening to some of the things I listen to. But today, for the Directioner’s, it […]

I’m jumping for Mind.

In summer 2015, I’ll be taking on the biggest challenge of my life so far: I’ll be jumping out of an airplane for Mind. I can’t remember when I decided that a skydive was one of the top things on my bucket list, I just did. I can remember through high school I was always […]